Write drunk, edit sober?

SEMI-RUDE QUESTION: In some of your non-fiction, you whine about past struggles with alcohol and sometimes drugs. How has this impacted your writing, other than providing dramatic fodder? ANSWER: I wouldn’t say I ‘whined’ about it. I was truly struggling at the time....

It isn’t easy, coming up with book titles.

SEMI-RUDE QUESTION: So many of today’s book titles read cryptically like they were named by AI. What’s your take on titles and what’s the story with yours? ANSWER: For me, titles are like the first block in a game of Jenga. It’s the foundation. It cues my brain to...

Writing what you know or cribbing from your own life?

SEMI-RUDE QUESTION: Okay, let me get this straight. In your novel, the main character is a journalist and former war correspondent. Same as you, right? Did you just steal from yourself and repackage it as fiction? ANSWER: It’s fair to suspect that when a novel’s...

Are there really second acts in life?

SEMI-RUDE QUESTION: Was writing this novel a ‘one-off’ for you or is this really a second-act following your career as a journalist? ANSWER: That depends on whether The Ocean Above Me finds an audience. I’m committed to this as a second act, but book sales will...

Does everyone have one book in them?

SEMI-RUDE QUESTION: There’s an old adage, ‘Everyone has at least one book in them.’ Is that just a bunch of hooey or do you believe that? ANSWER: Everyone might have a book inside them, but few can actually get one out.Or as the late, great Christopher Hitchens...